Archive for June, 2013

Joyful June

Key Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Our hope is for our kids to: Hope in God’s plans

(Open the bible and read to your child Ruth 2-4) Ruth went to the fields to gather food by following behind the landowners as they gathered the grain. The law provided for the fatherless and the widows to do this so they can eat. Ruth was so diligent a man named Boaz noticed her. Boaz owned the land that Ruth was working on, which is not a coincidence. It was the plan that god had for Ruth. Ruth ended up marrying Boaz and having children. We know that Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David, an ancestor of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father! What a plan achieved by God!

(This is an opportunity for you to ask some questions and to share your thoughts) Parents: Talk about a time you faced a situation that seemed hopeless. Share what happened and how you overcame—or didn’t overcome—that situation. Then ask your kids the following questions:

When you think of hope, what do you think of? Why? Where do you think hope comes from, and how can we get it? What are some things you’re hoping for right now? How is that kind of hope similar to or different from the kind of hope we can have in Jesus?

After family members have answered these questions, encourage them to share the hope they have because of Jesus.

Activity/Challenge for Families:
The story of how Ruth met and married Boaz and how they began as a family is fascinating. Ask your parents to bring out the old photo albums and share how they met and married. Then talk about each of your family members and the hopes he or she has for the future. Talk about the hopes you have for one another. Then together read this week’s verse, and talk about God’s plans for your family and the hope you can have because of his plans. For extra fun have your grandparents join you, and listen to their story as well. Then create a family tree that you can continue to add to over the years!