Posts Tagged ‘memorial day’

Grace of July

Key Verse: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Camp and VBS Week!


Our hope is for our kids to know that: God uses us to make a difference

(Open the bible and read to your child Genesis 39:20 – 41:49) Joseph had got himself into a little trouble when he was in Egypt. He went to prison for something that he didn’t do. He continued to worship God everyday in spite of his circumstances. He let God use him to interpret the dreams of a cupbearer and a baker. Because of this word got the Pharaoh that Joseph was a great interpreter of dreams. Joseph was able to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh and prevent a disaster from happening in Egypt. As a result, Joseph was then put in charge of all of Egypt, second to the Pharaoh himself. God can and will use us to make a difference in people’s lives. 

(This is an opportunity for you to ask some questions and to share your thoughts) Parents: Talk about a time God used someone in your life to encourage you or help you at just the right time. Maybe a friend called when you desperately needed to talk, or someone felt called by God to help you with a flat tire. Talk with your kids about what it takes to be ready for God to use you in the lives of the people around you. Encourage each person to share ways they would like God to use them in the future.


Activity/Challenge for Families: Get a piece of poster board, and have your family work together to draw a family portrait. Be sure to have everyone contribute to the picture. Then have someone write down how God uses each member of your family in one another’s lives. Hang up the poster board so each family member can see how God uses each one of them.