Posts Tagged ‘Paul’

Saul is knocked to the ground

Our hope is for our kids to know that: No one can resist the calling of God

“No one can come to me, unless drawn by the Father who sent me; and I will raise that person on the last day”
John 6:44

(Open the bible and read to your child Acts 9:1-19) Saul was a Pharisee who was persecuting followers of Jesus. He did not believe that Jesus was the son of God. One day, on his way to Damascus, Jesus appeared to him and blinded him. For three days he was blind until God sent Ananias to pray for him and to let him know that he was chosen by God to spread the Word to the Gentiles. It took Ananias awhile to be convinced because he was afraid of Saul, but once he went to Saul and prayed for him Saul’s sight was restored. Saul then became Paul and began preaching in the name of Jesus. God has called all of us to spread his Word and make disciples.

The Jesus Connection:
Saul heard a voice asking, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4). He did not know who was speaking, so he asked, “Who are you, Lord?” To his amazement the response was, “I am Jesus.” Saul knew that Jesus had been a teacher, and that he had died on the cross. But Saul did not yet know and believe that Jesus was Lord, the Son of God, raised in power! We, like Saul, are sinners who do not know Jesus. Our experience in coming to know Jesus is similar to Paul’s. While we are sinners God takes the initiative to move us toward himself. Saul was on his way to kill more Christians when Jesus revealed himself to him. Saul immediately realized that the stories of Jesus’ resurrection were true. Jesus was, and is, alive!